Wednesday, August 28, 2002

I have been so busy over the last several days. Business has picked up at work, so those hours have been packed full. When I get home in the evenings, the atmosphere seems hectic. We haven't adjusted to the routine of getting the kids ready for school and into bed, so it seems like we're spending excess time on lunches and baths and ironing clothes. Then there are bills, and clean-up, and the general "stuff" that needs to be done around the house. By the time things have settled down around here it's late. I then decide whether I want to get a good night's sleep, read a book, or sit in front of the computer. The computer wins out often, but then I am too tired to do more than just read some blogs, follow links to some interesting articles and just sponge things up. I haven't been writing too much lately.

I want to increase my participation in the Blogcritics site. It's different than writing here and there are so many interesting opinions to read and respond to with comments. I would also like to do more in-depth posts on this site, where I can explore some things that are important to me. In addition to books and music, I have things to say about the environment, the arts, life in Silicon Valley, education, fast cars, and international travel. I have a fascination with maps, stamps, shortwave radio, ethnic foods, languages and anything else that allows me to explore the culture, geography, history and people of other places.

The one thing I can't seem to find is time.

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