Thursday, October 31, 2002


Another Halloween is over. It is time to take down the decorations and blow out the candles in the pumpkins. I checked all the candy that the kids brought home, and confiscated the ones that were either suspicious looking or really tasty. We "trick or treated" in our friends' neighborhood in Saratoga so the quality of the candy is first class. There were only a couple scary incidents tonight, some freaky costumes and one house that was really over the top. We skipped going to the mall so we missed the wackos, crazies and slutty dressed teeny boppers. There's a ton of candy in the house right now, so I am going to do my best to not let my sweet tooth do my thinking.

Thanks to everyone who visited today. I'm going to take the spiders down, and put the place back to normal. Then it's off to bed. I grabbed that Edgar Allan Poe book mentioned below and I am going to read one spooky story before going to sleep. Good night.

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